Daniel Doan*Paula Le*Kimmy Nguyen
One day a woman was walking
down the street when she saw a beggar sitting on the corner.
The man was elderly,
unshaven, and ragged.
It was very cold that day and
he had just a torn coat wrapped around him
The lady stopped and asked:
“Sir, are you all right ?”
The man looked up. He
thought she was making fun of him like many others.
“Leave me alone !” he
To his amazement,the woman
did not leave.
She was smiling “Are you
hungry?” she asked.
“No! he answered
sarcastically, I’ve just come from dining with the president. Now go away.”
Suddenly the man felt a gentle
hand under his arm.” What are you doing ?
I said leave me alone.”
“ I’m going to get you something to eat and get you out
of the cold for awhile.”
With difficulties, she
finally got the old man into the cafeteria and sat him
at a table.
The manager of the café stared
at the old man:” What’s going on here?” he asked.
“I’d like to buy him a
meal" the lady said
“Not in here! Having this
person here is bad for business.” He replied.
Old Jack smiled “See, lady. I
told you so. Now if you’ll let me go.”
The woman turned to the
manager,smiled " Sir, are you familiar with Edđy & Associates- the banking firm down the
“Of course I am ! he replied
impatiently. They hold weekly meeting in
our banquet rooms.”
“Yes sir, I am Penelope Eddy, president
and CEO of the company.”
She sat down “ Jack, do you remember me ?”
She sat down “ Jack, do you remember me ?”
Old Jack searched her face
with his old, rheumy eyes…
“You do look familiar.”
“I'm a little older perhaps! When you worked here,
and I came through that very door, cold and hungry .”
“ I was just out of college,
I had come to the city looking for a job,but
I couldn’t find anything. I
was down to my last few cents, kicked out of
my apartment, then walked to
streets for days …
It was February.I was cold and
nearly starving.
I saw this place and walked
in to ask if I could work for something to eat.”
Then you made me the biggest
roast beef sandwich ever,gave me a cup of coffee and told me to sit and enjoy it.
I was afraid that you would
get into trouble.
Then, I saw you put the price of my food in the cash register.”
“ So you started you own
business?” Old Jack said.
“I got a job that afternoon.
I worked my way up...till now.”
She smiled. “ If you ever need anything,
my door is always opened to you.”
There were tears in the old
man’s eyes.
“ How can I ever thank you ?”
“Don’t thank me,” the woman
“ Thank God. He led me to you.”
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Bảng ngữ vựng 4 cột
Từ điển điện
tử sử dụng:Macmillan Dictionary | Free English Dictionary and
Thesaurus Online
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( Pháp : yeux chassieux )