Monday, February 1, 2016


Fr: Loan Nguyen

Bấm đây!

Eh! hi eh ! welcome in English eh!
My name is Ronnie eh. Today I'm going to teach you some Canadian vocabulary eh .Ronnie keeps on saying eh. This is a very Canadian thing to say I am Canadian.
Canuck is actually a word for a Canadian. So Canuck is a Canadian. It is such a famous word that we have a hockey team named after the Canucks.  They call them  the Vancouver Canucks
Hockey is a very very very very very extremely popular sport in Canada. It's not a national sport. Our national sport is lacrosse, but the most popular sport is hockey
I would make it a  bet that 42 percent of the people , the boys and girls who grow up in Canada play hockey at one point in their lives.
A toque. What is a toque  you might ask.A toque  is a hat,like this. In America they use the word beanie.
Toque is a winter hat.The pronunciation of this  word is different than its spelling because it’s French . It is spelled to-k, to-k  to-k…The word itself que is French spelling. So anytime that you have a Canadian word that is qued , it is taken from the French language ,it is spelled qu . It sounds like/k/.
. For some reason Canadians like beer. Everyone likes beer but we have special names for alcohol. If we get a case of  beers  or 24 beers  in a case, we call it a 2-4. 
We also have a holiday called May 24 that we call May 2-4. May 24 or May 2-4  is Queen Victoria's birthday. Now as you might know Queen Victoria was a queen fromEngland but history history England Canada long story short  we call it  May 2-4 and we drink beer.
Mickey . a “40” – a “60are not actually to do with beers but alcohol . A Mickey is the smallest amount of alcohol you can buy. It is three hundred and fifty milliliters ; a “40”  : 40 ounces ;  a “60 “which is 60 ounces
Poutine is a canned Canadian food. It  is actually from French Canada. Poutine is French fries with cheese and gravy. Gravy is basically beef, (sad ?)  with flour and salt.
Tim Hortons: a donut shop. It was Canadian now it's not Canadian
Tim Horton was a hockey player but he died and he opened up a doughnut chain before he died .Tim Hortons got bought up  by an American company so they're no longer Canadian . But we have invented the famous double-double.
 A double-double is  a coffee with it two creams and two sugars. We might say single -single .I don't know but we definitely say double-double . Double double : two creams two lovely sugars, Tim Hortons.
 Dart is a pub game where you throw a dart at a bulls-eye . Dart in  Canada is actually cigarette. We might say also a smoke which is another slang word for cigarette.
Weed is actually a slang for marijuana. Marijuana is not thoroughly legal in Canada but is  decriminalized which means that police will not put you in jail for having marijuana.
If you go to the east coast of Canada there are people called newfie Newfie are people from Newfoundland . They are one of the most amazingly warm funny generous fine crazy people you ever meet in your life.